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iSTANBUL  SEPTEMBER 13th-14th,2024


Abstract Submission

July 22th, 2024

Acceptance Notification

August 9th, 2024

Registration Deadline

August 19th, 2024

Full Paper Submission

August 29th, 2024

Announcement of the Conference Program

September 6th, 2024

Abstract Submission Deadline has been extended to July 22, 2024...


Paper Submission

We are pleased to invite you to submit your abstracts/papers for the 20th International Conference of MEEA, organized and hosted by the Istanbul Topkapı University on September 13  and 14th , 2024. The conference theme for this year is “Technology, Development and Sustainability in MENA Region” and will be held on a hybrid format including both online and in person sessions. There will be both regular and invited sessions. In order to submit abstracts, you need to renew your membership for the year 2024 via MEEAportal: If you’re not a member, you can initiate your membership by registering on our portal at  

Your abstract should be submitted to Ms. Sena Göncüler,

Deadline for abstract submission is July 12th, 2024. Abstracts should include the paper’s objectives, data, methodology, results, and conclusions. JEL classification and up to 3 keywords should also be included.

Paper Submission
Paper Submission
Invited Speakers:



Aslı Şafak  (BloombergHT)

Dr. Ahmet Akarlı (London School of Economics UK)
Dr. Alpay Filiztekin (Sabancı University)
Dr. Burak Saltoğlu (Boğaziçi University)
Dr. Fatih Özatay (TOBB University)
Dr. Gülçin Özkan (King’s College London)
Dr. Hakan Kara (Bilkent University)
Dr. Kamil Yılmaz (Koç University)
Dr. Kerem Alkin (OECD Türkiye Ambassador)

Dr. Mahfi Eğilmez (Altınbaş University)
Dr. Mehmet Pınar (Sevilla University)
Dr. Mijat Jocovic (University of Montenegro)
Dr. Murat Üçer (Koç University)
Dr. Selva Demiralp (Koç University)
Dr. Serdar Sayan (TOBB University)


Themes & Topics

The main theme of the 20th International Conference of the Middle East Economic Association is centered on "Technology, Development, and Sustainability in the MENA Region". The organising committee welcomes submissions of abstracts/ papers on all fields of economic and financial research related to the Middle East and North Africa. The meeting will have the following sub – themes;

Disruptive Technologies
International Trade and Economics of Globalization
Inequality and Poverty
Financial Markets, Institutions and Integration
Sustainable Development
Climate and Sustainability
Political Economy
Labor Economics
Natural Resources and Environmental Economics
Regional Economics
Industrial Relations
Gender Issues
Energy Economics
Agriculture, Food Security and Adaptation
Institutional Economics
Transportation Economics


Your abstract should be submitted to Ms. Sena Göncüler on behalf of the conference organizing committee via


Those who reside in Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, and Yemen are exempted from paying membership dues or submission fees 

The membership fees are as follows:


Region A: High income countries including North America, Europe, Japan, South Korea,
Australia, New Zealand, and Gulf countries such as Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE.
Region B: All other countries (not included in Region A).

.Regular members residing in region A: 30 USD
.Student members residing in region A: 20 USD
.Regular members residing in region B: 15 USD
.Student members residing in region B: 10 USD
 Those who reside in Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, and Yemen are exempted 

    from paying membership dues or submission fees.


   Conference registration fee:
. Regular registration: 30 USD
. Student registration: 15 USD (Valid student ID required)



Hilton İstanbul Maslak Hotel

13th September 2024


Levent Campus of İstanbul Topkapı University

14th September 2024



Accommodation and Venue

Hilton İstanbul Maslak offers special rates for conference participants: Minimum room rates are 150 €. Participants can book their rooms by contacting or and using the reservation code "TOPKAPI24". 
Hampton by Hilton Istanbul Zeytinburnu offers special rates for conference participants:
€80 for a single room and €90 for a double room, both including an open buffet breakfast.
Participants can book their rooms by calling +90 212 340 00 00 and using the reservation code

Conference Program

Conference Program

Publıcatıon opportunıtıes

        MEEA2024 Conference Special Issue 

         MEEA2024 Conference Special Issue 

        MEEA2024 Conference Special Issue 

        MEEA2024 Conference Special Issue 

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